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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13th

John was back at work today doing more landscaping and back filling. It makes such a difference to see the ground around the house assume a level and somewhat groomed aspect.He also moved some big rocks to line the driveway on the side opposite the walnut trees. I really like this look and hope we can add a few more rocks to create a real rocky road feeling! Meanwhile I am back at work and plugging away at installing the strapping that the siding will be attached to. It's slow tedious work but hey, what else do I have to do? Well actually I've also been working on getting quotes on our doors and it looks like there are indeed deals to be had.... Today was cloudy and cooler, a sign that maybe summer is indeed drawing to a close. But after the spell of weather we've just enjoyed, I don't hear anyone complaining.


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