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Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1st

Oh boy, September flew by and October is upon us. Luckily we had some nice dry days this week -- after the big storm --and managed to make good progress. Izaak has started work on the electrical wiring. Mike has been focusing on trimming out the windows with local cedar 2 x 4s and I've been working on soffits and the ceiling over the kitchen deck. We are using tongue and groove pine for the soffits, with a protective coat of Penofin oil on it. It looks fantastic!
At the end of the day Friday it was time to relax with a beer and survey the scene from my messy front porch. Just to put you in the picture... the blue plastic container is my drinking water. (I have running water from the lake system for washing but get my drinking water from David's well). In the basket you can see a few unhulled walnuts and in the jar behind some hulled ones. The plates are there because I forgot to put them in the sink to be washed after my lunch;) And the teak table is the same one we had had our house in Vancouver. I love it!

And finally... we have a decision on the colour of the siding. It will be a lovely shade of  olive green that will blend well with the exposed wood as well as the grey roof. It will also provide a nice contrast with the white windows and trim. Well done team for helping me make the decision!

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty indeed. And the usual good craftsmanship. Nice placement on the furring strips. It will be a good rain screen.I would not say the front porch is cluttered. I know cluttered.
