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Saturday, June 9, 2012

One side done, but...

The gable ends on the west side of the house are now all shingled. It took a while... 
Now I'm ready to start on the east side. But there's a snag in the shape of this robin sitting on her nest right on top of the beam notch at the peak of the roof line.

Here she is.... as you know if you've been following my blog for a while, I've "evicted" quite a few robins' nests before or after they had eggs in them. But this situation is new. What to do? I need advice folks... shall I barrel ahead and reduce the world's population of robins by one clutch? Or shall I wait until the birds have flown?

BTW for you Brits, this is the American Robin which is much bigger than the European one and a member of the thrush family.

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