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Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 28th

On Monday, Mike and I started on the "post-foundation" phase of our house construction. Amazing progress has been made. The first photo shows all the floor joists in place at the end of day 2. Today (day 4) we completed installing the plywood sub-floor. We would have had it done yesterday but "rain stopped play" as they say in the world of cricket. The issue was how well the PL400 construction adhesive would work if the wood was wet, which it definitely was. Because this is probably the only house I will ever build I wanted to get it right so I made an executive decision to stop work because of the rain. Mike was a bit scornful, saying "it never stopped me before in the 90 other houses I have built." But I was firm... until this morning when it was still raining, so I made another executive decision, "what the f_ _ _, let's do it." So we started laying down the plywood in the rain. It was shard to get the glue to stick to the joists, but we managed. Then the rain stopped, the sun came out and life felt a whole lot better! By the end of the day we had the entire main floor covered in plywood.

The bottom pic is the view from the house site towards the trailer where I am now sitting having my supper and writing this. A glass of Malbec at hand....

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1 comment:

  1. I've been eagerly awaiting this post....keen to follow the progress. Glad you "what the Eff-ed" it and went ahead...sometimes that's what ya gotta do.

