After months of deliberation and many hours of design work by David Rousseau and his team we now have a design for our house that is pretty close to "final". The basic configuation is a "V" as you can see in this view of the south elevation. On the left is the living room and on the right is the kitchen. In between is the dining room and the "central core" in which there will be spiral stairs to the second floor. There's a deck and a patio in the notch of the V. These face the open meadow and the garden.

Viewed from the east this pic shows the kitchen on the left, with its own small deck. The carport provides sheltered access to the main entrance which is actually on the east side of the house at the end of the driveway.
The interior view is from the living room looking through the central core towards the kitchen and dining area. A nice feature is the way the exterior steps from the deck to the patio are continued inside as steps down to the living room.
At the back of the house is the master bedroom, bathroom, a small office and a laundry room.
Upstairs there will be a bright and spacious multi-purpose room with its own deck and a small bathroom. We see this as our "studio", guest bedroom, etc.
We are delighted with the design and look forward to seeing it materialize as we work are way through the construction process over the next few years.